Reddcoin Faucet

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We're giving away RDD every 60 minutes!

0.05 RDD (30%) 0.1 RDD (65%) 1 RDD (3%)
3 RDD (1.9%) 10 RDD (0.099%) 1000 RDD (0.001%)

All you have to do is enter your Reddcoin address and solve the captcha! Then find more Reddcoins faucets at FaucetDump.
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Enter your Reddcoin address



Address Claim Type
Ruv3QW3h2N22uKBbHVzUMfjkiFv6D5xjfz 0.010 Referral
RmZWPgmTGuS2Juxi7nn5ToWGAbH8EdwHjc 0.100 Claim
Ruv3QW3h2N22uKBbHVzUMfjkiFv6D5xjfz 0.010 Referral
RafG3NhYwzLNk1FwN4SN1waLQBvXCDU345 0.100 Claim
RoPGNbH9N2jc663GeANCotecekJaiKHAdP 0.100 Claim
Ruv3QW3h2N22uKBbHVzUMfjkiFv6D5xjfz 0.010 Referral
Rre7hYLd8YaEeNccJ4sY3TLFyA9AL5bodu 0.100 Claim
Ruv3QW3h2N22uKBbHVzUMfjKiFv6D5xjfz 0.010 Referral
RsYJMTdigLivxCzihqELk5yf8jQB2jGiJD 0.050 Claim
Ruv3QW3h2N22uKBbHVzUMfjKiFv6D5xjfz 0.005 Referral


Address Total Claimed
Ruv3QW3h2N22uKBbHVzUMfjkiFv6D5xjfz 30,876.402
Ro1meqSYxo8H9cTz6sfg9dK4hiEZbZdrdq 10,033.080
RkXh9u57mwk1JWWHwyw7SexNtoh6TBsfqC 7,367.234
RmPdzsxeJrXhxiDGqgLpuJs1XvJaNGnRaa 6,769.500
RYe9AMdR81Ltb8md3VNDp237458j5yykcd 5,832.200
RqBFuJcZAdLuQ7yLRbMBVLehop3wzCbXFE 5,438.040
RqxNiWqxxYgdcSujhoiMXcQiMJGXJQUvJw 5,048.850
RZtX972Jj3oBBPEL8NyDdr8PUCP2scrnQS 4,875.020
RvCuhZmoL2EK58Js9WQGayYt8fjf5hS6cP 4,222.140
Ra4gNEQ8Y17MZ97wgxcfEtrvSftjZg1MPp 4,183.280


Date Address Sent Status TxID
31-May-2017 08:44:52 Ruv3QW3h2N22uKB... 1,319.060 RDD Complete ...
23-May-2017 07:43:47 RkhphcaZ3adu1co... 783.000 RDD Complete ...
21-May-2017 22:14:38 Rd4oPJzMD7257UK... 580.100 RDD Complete ...
19-May-2017 11:24:39 Rt9do9jKRNLpXLN... 519.200 RDD Complete ...
19-May-2017 05:27:35 RqBFuJcZAdLuQ7y... 1,344.500 RDD Complete ...

What is Reddcoin?

Reddcoin is the social currency that enriches people's social lives and makes digital currency easy for the general public. Reddcoin achieves this by integrating a digital currency platform seamlessly with all major social networks to make the process of sending and receiving money fun and rewarding for everyone.

Get Reddcoin!
Reddcoin is dedicated to one thing - tipping on social networks as a way to bring cryptocurrency awareness and experience to the general public. Social networks are now part of our everyday lives. They give every person on this planet a fair chance at showing the world how awesome they are. Getting an upvote, like, or retweet for your well-received comment or picture is fun, but unfortunately, they have no real value. Fortunately, there is now something better than imaginary internet points - Reddcoins.

Mining Cryptocurrencies

Unlike Bitcoin, which is purely proof-of-work, Reddcoin is now only proof-of-stake. This means Reddcoin is no longer mineable. There are however many other altcoins out there that can be mined - some easier and more profitable than others.

The best way to mine altcoins is to join a mining pool. ReddcoinFaucet.Info recommends MinerGate as they have low fees and a easy to use software solution which can mine multiple cryptocurrencies at once. No computer or industry knowledge is needed, just download the software, click the 'AutoMine' button and MinerGate will starting mining the coin that has been the most profitable over the previous hour!

Want to send your hash rate to the moon? Get a taste of what it is like to mine like a monster and sign up for a free VPS trial.
Find out how!

Trading Cryptocurrencies

If you want to turn your coin hoard directly into cash or are just looking to make cash off cryptocurrency trading, ReddcoinFaucet.Info recommends HitBTC and Changelly. They have low fees and a simple, clean trading interface. They have loads of cryptocurrencies available to trade directly into Bitcoin, USD, Euros and Pound Sterling. It couldn't be easier to start trading like a pro!